Minerva Foundation: Fellowship Program
The Minerva Fellowship Program enables German and Israeli scientists and researchers to spend longer-term research residencies at institutions in the host country from six to thirty-six months (for graduates) or from six to twenty-four months (for post docs).
To date, more than 1,500 German and Israeli scientists and researchers have been awarded a Minerva Fellowship. Some fifty scientists receive fellowships each year.
Art der Förderung
See the website for information concerning the fellowship rates.
Hinweise zur Bewerbung
The closing date for applications for Minerva Fellowships is January 15 and June 15.
See the website for further information concerning applications.
Graduate fellowship: eligible candidates must have completed a university degree ("Diplom", M.A., M.Sc., or equivalent qualification). B.A. and B.Sc. students are only eligible to apply if accepted to a direct Ph.D. track.
Post-doctoral fellowship: we accept applications from candidates who provide proof that they have submitted their doctoral thesis prior to the start of the fellowship year, or who have completed their doctorate no more than seven years prior to the beginning of the fellowship. Maternal leave will be taken into account.
Applicants who are presently residing in Israel/Germany but are not nationals of either of the two countries must show a proven record of integration into the Israeli or German scientific community. An affiliation to a research institution in Israel or Germany is required together with a residency of 5 years or longer in either of the two countries. Conversely, if applicants are citizens of one country but have been living in the other for an extended period of time (more than 4 years) a scholarship in the second country cannot be granted since it would not truly support German-Israeli exchange.
Reapplication is possible and requires that
- the candidate has not received notification that such a reapplication is not permissible;
- minimum 12 months lie between the first and second application;
- scientific progress and achievements during this interval are duly reflected in the reapplication
- Art des Stipendiums
- Forschungsprojekte
- Studium im Ausland
- Zielregionen
- Deutschland
- Israel
- Geförderte Studienabschlüsse
- Promovierende
Geförderte Fachrichtungen
Geistes-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften
Allgemeine und vergleichende Literatur und Sprachwissenschaft, Altphilologie (klass. Philologie), Neugriechisch, Anglistik, Amerikanistik, Außereuropäische Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften, Bibliothekswissenschaft, Dokumentation, Publizistik, Erziehungswissenschaften (Pädagogik), Evang. Theologie, -Religionslehre, Germanistik (Deutsch, germanische Sprachen ohne Anglistik), Kath. Theologie, -Religionslehre, Kulturwissenschaften i.e.S., Romanistik, Slawistik, Baltistik, Finno-Ugristik, Sonderpädagogik, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften allgemein, Geschichte, Philosophie, Psychologie
Sozialwesen, Politikwissenschaften, Sozialwissenschaften
Regionalwissenschaften, Verwaltungswissenschaft, Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Agrar-, Forst- und Ernährungswissenschaften
Agrarwissenschaften, Lebensmittel- und Getränketechnologie, Ernährungs- und Haushaltswissenschaften, Forstwissenschaft, Holzwirtschaft, Landespflege, Umweltgestaltung
Humanmedizin (ohne Zahnmedizin), Zahnmedizin, Gesundheitswissenschaften allgemein
Ingenieurwesen allgemein, Maschinenbau/Verfahrenstechnik, Verkehrstechnik, Nautik, Vermessungswesen, Bergbau, Hüttenwesen, Elektrotechnik, Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Bauingenieurwesen, Raumplanung
Kunst, Kunstwissenschaft
Darstellende Kunst, Film und Fernsehen, Theaterwissenschaft, Gestaltung, Kunst, Kunstwissenschaft allgemein, Musik, Musikwissenschaft
Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften
Biologie, Chemie, Geographie, Geowissenschaften (ohne Geographie), Informatik, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften allgemein, Pharmazie, Physik, Astronomie
Kontakt zum Stipendiengeber
Stipendium sichern
Weitere Stipendien für das Auslandsstudium