John Carter Brown Library: J. M. Stuart Fellowship
Among Brown University’s most prestigious honors for doctoral candidates is the J. M. Stuart Fellowship, which is open to Brown Ph.D. students in the Humanities or Social Sciences whose dissertation topic relates to the early history and culture of the Americas and whose research and writing would benefit from privileged and sustained access to the resources of the John Carter Brown Library, one of the world’s most renowned collections of early Americana.
Stuart Fellows are full members of the international community of scholars in residence at the Library in any given year. In addition, although Stuart fellows are primarily engaged in dissertation research, a distinctive component of this fellowship is the opportunity to gain deeper scholarly command of the collections by working closely with leading curatorial experts on a Library project—such as an exhibition, publication, or website—germane to the fellow's area of interest.
Art der Förderung
The Stuart Fellowship carries a stipend equivalent to the Graduate School stipend for a nine-month term, beginning September 1. The Stuart Fellow will also receive a summer stipend that is equivalent but additional to the summer support provided by the Graduate School (currently one-ninth of the academic year stipend), to be used in the summer following their residency at the JCB. Fellows may also apply for up to $1.000 in travel funds for supplementary dissertation research in other collections of primary materials.
Hinweise zur Bewerbung
The Stuart Fellowship application consists of three parts:
- a single page with name, affiliation, status and 100-word abstract
- a narrative description of your proposed project (not to exceed 1200 words), including an explanation of its historiographical significance, progress to date, and identification of specific materials to be consulted at the JCB
- a current curriculum vitae.
More information can be found here.
The Stuart Fellow must have completed all preliminary exams and is expected to reside in Providence or nearby for the entire academic year in which the fellowship is awarded. He or she is provided with work space in the Library. Time contributed to work on the Library project, which is a requirement of the fellowship, should average around one day/week.
- Art des Stipendiums
- Forschungsprojekte
- Studium im Ausland
- Abschlussarbeiten
- Sprachkurs
- Zielregionen
- Geförderte Studienabschlüsse
- Diplom/Magister-Studenten
- Master-Studenten
- Promovierende
- Habilitanden
Geförderte Fachrichtungen
Geistes-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften
Allgemeine und vergleichende Literatur und Sprachwissenschaft, Anglistik, Amerikanistik, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften allgemein, Geschichte
Kontakt zum Stipendiengeber
Stipendium sichern
Weitere Stipendien für Studierende der Geistes-, Sprach- oder Kulturwissenschaften